The Mental Health Benefits of Spending Time with Friends: Why Connection Matters 12 days ago 279 0 0 In today’s fast-paced world, where work deadlines, social media pressures, and personal responsibilities often take centre stage, it’s easy to forget the importance of simply spending time with friends. Yet, the value of these connections goes far beyond just having a good time; they play a crucial role in our mental health and overall well-being.
5 Signs of Poor Boundaries 18/08/2022 1258 0 0 Boundaries, as I see them-are those invisible lines that we draw around ourselves which allow us to feel comfortable with our decisions when it comes to others.I often talk about boundaries as white picket fences rather than big concrete blocks.We may allow others to see what is inside our space, whilst clearly showing that there
5 tips to Mindfulness 24/06/2022 1336 0 0 Mindfulness is a state of mind, rather than a particular action or exercise.We often imagine that practicing mindfulness would simply involve being still for 30 minutes or so and let’s face it, that can feel almost impossible to achieve, especially when we overthink. There are many proven benefits to practicing mindfulness, which include: reducing stress
Prioritise your mental health 15/10/2021 1147 0 0 If you think this is yet another blog post about 10 things you can do to prioritise your mental health…you are close…there are actually 12:) As a therapist, I am a big advocate of parity-mental health on par with physical health, working together, in symbiosis for a better self. Looking after our mental health ties
Know your worth! 21/06/2021 812 0 2 For as long as I remember, I have been a “Yes” person. You know me well, dear reader; I am the one with my hand up, going “Pick me, pick me!” whilst shacking it so vividly I can almost feel it coming out of my shoulder cap. I have always done more, agreed to more,
I am not a writer… 24/05/2021 1229 0 1 Firstly, I am not a writer… It feels important to state it from the beginning, so that if you are reading this, your expectations lower significantly before you begin 🙂 There are just my ramblings as a therapist, but mostly as a human; things I have learnt and continue to learn as I go-so please