The Power of Mindfulness: A Path to Inner Peace and Well-Being 5 days ago 260 0 1 Amid the distractions, relentless demands, and rapid pace of today’s world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and disconnected from the present moment. Our minds often dwell in the past or race toward the future, leaving little space to fully experience the here and now. Mindfulness offers a remedy for this, helping us slow down, tune
Prioritise your mental health 15/10/2021 1147 0 0 If you think this is yet another blog post about 10 things you can do to prioritise your mental health…you are close…there are actually 12:) As a therapist, I am a big advocate of parity-mental health on par with physical health, working together, in symbiosis for a better self. Looking after our mental health ties
Anxiety vs Panic attack 27/07/2021 1148 0 0 Anxiety is a perfectly normal reaction to danger, triggered when you feel under pressure, experiencing a threat or facing a challenging situation. Anxiety as a reaction to the above is a useful reaction, as it can help you stay focused, alert, and motivate you to solve problems. However, constant anxiety which feels overwhelming and stops
Top 7 online therapy benefits 13/07/2021 1174 0 0 Thinking of online therapy but not sure what to expect? It can be daunting to know where to start. Pre Covid times, online therapy was not a mainstream activity. For those therapists, like myself, who have undergone years of study and topped it up with yet more training aimed at equipping us with online skills